How to Install aluminum carpet trim

How to Install aluminum Carpet trim

Aluminum carpet trim installation steps

The edges of carpet around a room are hidden by baseboard trim, but when the carpet meets with another flooring material in a walkway, aluminum carpet trim needs to be installed.

The edging hides the seam between the carpet and the adjacent flooring for two reasons.

It improves the aesthetic looks of the intersection, and it also keeps people from tripping over two uneven flooring materials.

Aluminum carpet trim comes in a variety of lengths and polished finishes to help you match your flooring decor.

Aluminium carpet trim installation

Aluminum carpet trim installation

Aluminum carpet trim installation Instructions

The first 

Measure the length of the seam you are trying to edge, using a tape measure. Measure from wall to wall along the surface of the flooring.

The second

Cut the aluminum carper trim to the length of the distance between the two walls. Use a hacksaw to cut it to length.

The third 

Lay the aluminum carpet trim over the seam between the two flooring materials. Center the screws in the aluminum carpet edging directly over the seam all the way along the seam’s length.

The fourth

Place a screw in the pre-drilled holes at each end of the edging with your fingers. Drive these screws into the floor with an electric screw gun. Don’t over-tighten the screws, or you’ll strip the sub-floor, and the aluminum carpet trim won’t get tight. Once the two end screws have been installed, install screws in all the holes in between them.

Tips & Warnings

Some aluminum carpet trim comes in pre-cut standard lengths for standard walkway widths. You won’t have to cut these.

Avoid cutting your fingers on the sharp edges of the edging you cut with the hacksaw.

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